Deadbeat dads and deadbeat moms who don't pay court ordered child support are a national tragedy.
We define a deadbeat dad or deadbeat mom as someone that have the ability to pay their child support but willingly and purposefully refuse to do so.
This site was created to allow parents to both express their frustration of not collecting their child support and to help parents do something about it.
You'll also find information to help pursue the court ordered child support that you are entitled to and legally ordered to receive.
Unpaid child support has reached astounding levels.
The amount of unpaid child support in the United States is now estimated to be over 100 billion dollars!
While a great deal of child support may never go collected, there is much that could be collected. Unfortunately, government child support enforcement agencies are all too often spread too thin. In many states, less than half of parents court ordered to receive child support, ever see any of it.
As a last resort some turn to attorneys or private enforcement agencies that offer custodial parents an alternative to the government's system. Though there are fees associated with these alternatives, many find this is a welcome solution to their problem.
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Site Sponsor:
Hosting for this site is generously provided by Support Collectors, a private child support collection and enforcement agency. They've been collecting child support and spousal support nationwide with great success since 1993.
In fact, the company's founder is a single mother who experienced first-hand how difficult collecting child support can be.